Recipe for baby's meal
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Abalone porridge

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일18-03-15 14:42 조회624회 댓글0건



Abalone porridge



2 blocks minced abalone meat   1 block chopped broccoli

1 block chopped carrot          1 block chopped shiitake mushroom

2 cups water                    1/2 bowl (cold) rice

1 tablespoon cooking wine       2 tablespoons soy sauce

1 tablespoon sesame oil


1. Put some sesame oil into the pot, stir-fry the minced abalone meat and then

add the chopped carrot, broccoli and shiitake mushroom and stir-fry together.

2. Put the (cold) rice and fry thoroughly. Pour the water and boil fully.


tip: Since the particles of minced abalone meat are relatively big, it's suggested to be used for meals for babies after 1 year old.

    Cooking wine, soy sauce and sesame oil are suggested to be used when baby is more than 1 year old

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